Myosin VI

Myosin VI is a dimeric molecular motor that translocates ``backwards'' on actin filaments with a surprisingly large and variable step size, given its short lever arm.

Figure 1: Models of MVI docked to actin that show the step size variability of Myosin VI.  The rear head (bottom) is modeled in the rigor-like state with the converter in the conventional conformation (position 0). The leading heads (top) are modeled in the PPS state drawn in red at positions 11, 13, and 15. The numbers indicate the actin monomers relative to 0. The corresponding distances are 30.7nm, 36.1nm and 41.5nm,

A recent Xray structure of myosin VI indicates that the large step size can be explained in part by a novel conformation of the  "converter'' subdomain in the prepowerstroke state, in which a 53-residue insert, unique to myosin VI,  reorients the lever arm nearly parallel to the actin filament (see Figure 2). To determine whether the existence of the novel converter conformation could contribute to the step-size variability, a path-based free energy simulation tool, the String Method, was used to show that there is a small free energy difference between the novel converter conformation and the conventional conformation found in other myosins. This result suggests that myosin VI can bind to actin with the converter in either conformation.   Models of MVI/MV chimeric dimers show that the variability in the tilting angle of the lever arm resulting from the two converter conformations can lead to step size variations ~12nm.  These variations, in combination with other proposed mechanisms, could explain the experimentally determined step-size variability of  ~25nm  for wild-type MVI.

Figure 2:Superposition of the converter domain in the Rigor (conventional) conformation onto the Prepowerstroke (PPS) structure of MVI, in which the converter adopts a `novel' conformation.  The alignment minimizes the root-mean square distance (RMSD) between the backbone atoms in the converter beta-sheet. The converter is shown in blue, converter insert (CI) is in pink, the lever arm is in green, and the N-terminal domain in the PPS conformation is in gray. Transparent and solid colors correspond to the R and PPS conformers of the converter, respectively.   The 120 degree angle indicated by a yellow arrow corresponds to the reorientation of the lever arm by the converter insert. The long red arrow indicates the movement of the CI that results from the Rigor ==> PPS converter rearrangement. The rearrangement involves a 50 degree rotation of the converter helix N-terminal to the CI. Red arrows indicate the direction of the conformational change. References:V. Ovchinnikov, M. Karplus, and E. Vanden-Eijnden. Free energy of conformational transition paths in biomolecules: The string method and its application to myosin VI. J. Chem. Phys.,134:085103, 2011 (preprint)V. Ovchinnikov, M. Cecchini, E. Vanden-Eijnden, and M. Karplus. A conformational transition in the myosin VI converter contributes to the variable step size. Biophys. J., 101:2436–2444, 2011 (preprint)